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DUI Articles

Dealing with Car Impoundment After a DUI

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on July 4, 2022

Facing a DUI charge is an extremely stressful time. If your main source of transport has also been impounded, the complications of how you will get your vehicle back, as well as impound and towing fees, will all be weighing on you.

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Posted in: DUI

DUIs in Colorado School Zones

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on June 15, 2022

DUIs in Colorado are heavily prosecuted and can carry significant penalties upon conviction, including fines, community service, license suspension, and imprisonment. If you are convicted of a DUI charge in a school zone, this exacerbates the potential consequences.

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Posted in: DUI

What Effective DUI Defenses Look Like

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on June 1, 2022

When facing a DUI (driving under the influence) charge, an experienced defense lawyer can make all the difference. A skilled lawyer can get cases with insufficient evidence or improper procedure dismissed, help secure a not-guilty ruling, or fight for you to receive a more favorable sentence.

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Posted in: DUI

Breaking Down President Biden’s DUI Prevention Technology Requirements

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on May 15, 2022

Cars that detect whether their driver is intoxicated will soon become commonplace in the United States under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, recently signed by President Biden. Below we have summarized all you need to know about Biden’s innovative strategy to reduce drunk or impaired driving casualties in the U.S.

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Posted in: DUI

Do I Have to Do Field Sobriety Tests in Colorado?

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on May 1, 2022

Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST) in Colorado are one of the main tools police officers use to determine whether a person is driving whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, field sobriety tests are not always reliable, and many drivers are unaware of their rights when requested to perform one.

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Posted in: Drug Crime, DUI

Do Multiple DUIs Make a Difference in Colorado?

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on April 10, 2022

Driving under the influence is a serious crime in Colorado. Some people believe that you are only legally drunk if your BAC is 0.08 percent and above or can only be drunk if you are stumbling around on the road. The truth is that there is no bright line definition of what is considered to be drunk and this is why many people are arrested for DUI even though they are not acting drunk.

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Posted in: Criminal Defense, DUI

Are Field Sobriety Tests Required in Colorado?

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on February 20, 2022

Colorado requires police to have “reasonable suspicion” to pull over a vehicle or make a traffic stop. “Reasonable suspicion” dictates that an officer must have articulable facts that the driver is committing a crime. Some of these crimes that qualify include:

  • Speeding
  • Rolling through a stop sign
  • Having a broken tail light
  • Failing to signal for a lane change

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Posted in: DUI

Report: Half of Drinkers Risk DUI

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on January 10, 2022

Enjoying a pleasant dinner out, a get together at a local bar or club, or a meeting with friends often involves consuming alcohol. Even if you are careful about how much you drink, a recent study reveals that almost half of drinkers underestimate their BAC (blood alcohol concentration), believe they are safe to drive, but are at risk of being charged with DUI.

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Posted in: DUI

What Happens If You Refuse a DUI Test in Colorado?

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on December 30, 2021

Field sobriety tests are technically voluntary. You have the right to politely decline an officer’s command or request that you take a preliminary breathalyzer test, or PBT, on the side of the road. Roadside tests cannot be used against you in court, but tabletop test results are admissible. In fact, if you refuse a breath or blood test at the station a jury will typically assume you had something to hide and will not look favorably on your case.

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Posted in: DUI

Avoid DUI Penalties: Be Home for the Holidays

By Colorado Attorney-at-law on December 23, 2021

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in the United States for people under the age of 54. Last year, over 42,000 Americans died in car crashes according to the National Safety Council, an increase of about three thousand deaths over the previous year. We are happy to report that traffic fatalities went down by 2.4% in Colorado last year, and we would like to see this trend continue.

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Posted in: DUI